Saturday, March 31, 2012

Revival of "Momogeri"

The custom of Momogeri had the opportunity to see up close those found in Salonica in the days of Christmas. About 50 people masquerading to ride in the historic city center and in pl. Aristotle, accompanied by music.

The custom was revived in various regions of Macedonia in twelve days from Christmas Eve until Epiphany.The initiative for the revival of the custom is part of the Pontian Association of Ptolemais.

Description of custom

Momogeri The custom is a custom 3,000 years, who "migrated" along with refugees from Pontus to Greece, claiming to this day a special place in the manners of the Twelve in the country and particularly in northern Greece. Momogeri The word comes from the composition of words old and mime, and the theme of this special theater varies according to location. All that remains is the same comic dimension given by the participants in the show, whatever topics they choose to represent.


The 50melis group revived the custom in Thessaloniki man who wants the village to grab the bride, thus symbolizing the rape of Persephone by Pluto. The main character, the blemish, God of laughter and satire in ancient Greece, who urged the twelve followers, the Momogeri, find cause and satirizing cause laughter to the assembled. happening participated in, among other things, the devil who instigates any form of agitation, the doctor finds the situation of the bride, the officer who brings order and refer the perpetrators to justice ... and the judge imposed the sentences on the kidnapping

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