Saturday, March 31, 2012

ATAKES bereaved married man

- I have not spoken to my wife the last 18 months. I do not want to interrupt.

- The last quarrel with my wife was my fault. He asked " What is television ? "And I replied"Dust " - In the beginning God created the Earth and then rested. Then he created the man and then rested. In the end, God created the woman.  Since then neither God nor man rested again. - Why do men die before their wives? Because they want. A beggar approached a well dressed lady who did the shopping in Kolonaki and said : - " I have not eaten anything here ....four days , "And she replied: 
- " Geez I wish I had the strength to do it too " - you know what is the penalty for bigamy? Have two laws. talk between father and son: - Dad, you know what I heard? In some countries of Africa a man does not know the woman to marry until their wedding day. my child-This happens in all countries. - A man put a small ad in the newspaper "Wanted wife." The next day he received hundreds letters. All said the same thing. "You can have mine." The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once. Just think that if there was no marriage, men would spend their lives believing that they never make mistakes. - If you want your wife to listen and to give proper attention to what you say then starts paramilas in your sleep. - One man said " I did not realize what real happiness until I got married. But unfortunately it was too late " . talk between father and son: - Dad, how much does it cost to marry someone?

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