Saturday, March 31, 2012

The near-beaten COSTAS SIMITIS

After beating Kostis Hatzidakis, and we have almost similar occurrence, this time starring Costas Simitis!
According to reports, at noon Wednesday (26/1), as former Prime Minister crossed the Propylaea with dogs fell upon a group,,,
antiauthoritarians (around 50), who had come for a massive display.
What was once perceived Simitis was not described. The anti-authoritarians began to curse and to spit, and then attempted to hit him, but men moved in saving his personal security and managed to smuggled into the ground floor flats Street Academy. There he remained for about ten minutes and having calmed the spirits led him safely home. 
Although the environment of former Prime Minister describes the incident which "no importance", the reality is that has alarmed the united Greek politics since Most realize that the wrath of the world is overflowing and, seeing such incidents repeated, fear, and eventually a victim 

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