Friday, March 30, 2012


Finally it appears that the theater of the absurd to the colleges the KEME (Centers for Post-secondary education), such as "baptized" the Ministry of Education, and now over the state certification body, refers essentially to recognize degrees ...
and not only professional qualifications. See what to watch out before high school graduates enroll in colleges in Council document Recognition of Professional Qualifications (SAEP) responsible for the securities issued by colleges affiliated with universities abroad, noted that "college graduates are not given academic recognition, but given the ability to perform the exact same business with a university graduate. " Based on the text, titles granted by the Centers for Post-secondary education and colleges affiliated with European universities degrees and even with the state seal. The only thing that differentiates of university degrees is academic recognition, due to the relevant constitutional provision on university degrees (16).Indeed, since the professional rights of holders of college students are guaranteed the difference in qualifications compared to an equivalent university degree holder is theoretical ...More under SAEP document "issued by the KEME (Colleges) Evidence of qualifications is the same as that which would be awarded if the course had been entirely in the Member State of origin of the title, provides Circular of the Ministry Education, based on Art. C 50 § 3, PD38/2010. " As regards the recognition of professional qualifications, graduates Post-secondary Education Centers (KEME), which are legally resident in Greece and have valid contracts for certification (validation) or franchise (franchising) with universities in other member states E. Union may request recognition of professional qualifications that may have acquired in those Member States, following the study conducted at the above KEME. These qualifications are recognized in conditions such as applied profession is a regulated Greece (Art. 2 § 1, PD 38/2010 Official Gazette 78A) and the applicant has obtained commercial rights to the requested occupation in the Member State of origin, either as self-employed, either as an employee (Art. 2 § 1 , PD 38/2010). Recognition of the right to pursue a particular profession is a specially reasoned decision of the Council for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications.Applications for recognition of professional qualifications accompanied by a fee to the exchequer of hundred euros. The amount of this fee may be adjusted by agreement of the Ministers of Finance and Education and the recognition process will last for one quarter. The same document noted, however that "post-secondary education centers do not belong in higher education, nor in the future, this Without changes to the Constitution. not provide academic recognition, but are given the opportunity to graduates to pursue their own business with just a university graduate. What to watch before high school graduates enroll in the "Colleges" Interested parties should endeavor to ascertain the following later enrolled in a "College": 1. If authorized in Post-secondary Education Center of the Ministry of Education. 2. If the courses offered have been certified by European University. 3. If graduates are leading to a university of that university. 

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